Major Differences between Grid and Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing and Grid Computing, both are termed as synonymous to each other by many tech enthusiasts. Here in this article, we are going to clearly elaborate what exactly is the nature of both of the technologies, conclusion of whose, will lead to a better understanding of the mentioned technologies and also the misconceptions will be cleared out, according to which many people term it as the same technology. 

Both the technologies involve a great deal of distributed processing using abstract memory locations. Abstractions in complex computing, are used to masquerade the entire complex workflow logic and gives a rather clear and smooth interface to the user to interact with. The main goal of using abstractions is to make use of the complex code logics and frameworks whilst keeping the user intact. 


Advantages of Distributed Computing Distributed Computing
as the name may indicates, refers to a network of computer peripherals being spread out over a large area. Now when we relate it to cloud computing and grid computing, these both technologies turn out to be the epitomes of distributed computing. The essence of distributed computing lies in the fact that, when the area to be covered is very large and the peripherals are quite low or even if there are, are quite difficult to maintain. For instance, in case of cloud computing, a multitude of data is being stored on cloud, which is remote indeed, and this specific task is being done through various super servers diligently. There are a lot of flavors whose origin can be traced back to the concepts of distributed computing, the Cloud Computing and the Grid Computing are the ones we will be discussing in this article.

Cloud Computing:
Cloud Computing is an extension of the Object Oriented Programming concepts. Cloud Computing has become the hot topic due to its scalability, flexibility and ease of use. No matter wherever you are, you can easily save or retrieve the important data you want to work on. The data is stored on a public/private cloud whose subscription fee is waived annually and you have to pay the fee. In a cloud computing scenario, the data is spread around a number of data banks, and the user is privileged to use an interface to access and manipulate his own data on the cloud while keeping the rest of the information concealed. The very fact that justifies the nomenclature of Cloud Computing is, you never know what lies at the other side of a cloud that brings rain. Enjoy the rain and let the cloud take care of the rest.

Grid Computing:
Grid Computing, another flavor of distributed computing, is used to utilize the idle processing capacity of a CPU. During a fraction of a second, the processor becomes idle as it crunches the tasks at quite a speed. Grid Computing usually divides a job into several co-related sub-jobs and distribute it over the available machines for crunching. Once the output has been generated, a certain module converges the result from every machine and sends it back to the main controlling unit. In order to create a perfect computation module that carries out the job of grid computing, the code needs to be written in such a manner that it portrays the ability of being both the agile and interdependent at the same time. Mentioned below, are the major differences between cloud and the grid computing.

Cloud Computing vs. Grid Computing 
The dissimilarities between the Grid Computing and the Cloud Computing are quite difficult to highlight due to the fact that both are used to economize computing using complex logic's. Abstractions play an important role in both the technologies as discussed earlier. If we are to analyze the situation microscopically, we find differences not in the nature of tasks accomplished, but the way the jobs are being accomplished. Being in the scenario of grid computing, a task is divided in to multiple sub tasks and distributed over various machines to get computed. Clearly not followed in case of Cloud Computing. Keeping the underlying architecture undisclosed, the user is given the privilege to avails the services using an interface, in case of cloud computing. Grid Computing offers quick accomplishments of task over a single machinery either working as one or is separated. A cloud intends to give a number of facilities that includes web hosting, domain hosting, data manipulation and storage and etc.  

Keeping the drastic improvements in the field of science and technology, it is difficult for us to weigh and compare the trending technologies. Every emerging domain brings with it a lot of new opportunities and facilities to avail. Our job, is to use the technology for the betterment of the society and for the greater good, rather than abusing it to destroy peace and harmony across the globe.
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